"...They are to teach what is good, and so train the young woman to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled."

Titus 2:3-5


A new blog

Well, I've decided to take a break from this blog for a while. So... I've started a new one. Switching it up a bit to reflect some of where I am now. Although I certainly will continue on the journey of "learning what is good," for now... I'm just going to concentrate on the Everyday Life.


Ode to the Jeep... and the man who owned it

This is my husband, in his Jeep, top down, parked out on the beach in Nags Head. 
My husband really likes this jeep.

You see in back in 2005, he got a woman (me of course), this Jeep, and a Mac laptop all in one week. 
It was a good week. 
 This Jeep has been through a lot...

We departed our wedding in it

It reminds us of our honeymoon to Colorado (Pikes Peak)

It brought home our crib for our children

Micah and Ryan had tons of quality father and son time in this Jeep

Our our kids always found it such a treat to ride in it


My husband, despite finding so much joy in this Jeep and treasuring so many memories, he sold it. He sold it for a '99 Saab. The Saab is great, it was a gift from God dropped in our lap, but I do not take the sacrifice of my husband for granted. We had many pending expenses (seminary and Uganda expenses) that we did not know how we would cover and so my husband, sacrificing a material good that he found much enjoyment in, gave up his Jeep. We will always have the memories and the pictures, but I do not take for granted that my husband would give up his car so that our family would be in a better financial situation. He has seen this new car as a tool to further his ministry and as long as it gets him from one place to another, then it has served it purpose. I rejoice that my husbands identity is in Christ and not in his car. I love you Ryan and I thank you for your sacrifice and service to our family.


Charismatic Bugs?

As we were weeding the garden this morning, Micah became acquainted with a new type of bug. I suppose they seemed rather charismatic to him, because they are now know as "Holy Rollies?" I love it!


Daddy's gone...

Daddy is gone and the kids seem to really be missing him... so I tried to make last night special to help them feel a little better. We had tacos for dinner, one of their favorites. 
(because of the chips and salsa, of course)

 and we went to the park..... 
(I learned the best time ever to go to the park is after dinner- hardly anyone else was there)

We miss you daddy!




(*this was a clean brand new diaper!)


Filled with all Joy and Peace...

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."

This verse got me excited this morning. I think I forget that there is joy and peace that comes from believing in the gospel. Seems silly, but when I am downcast, it's because I have lost the focus that I am an utter sinner was condemned to death, yet Christ was victorious and I am now raised to life. Not to death, but raised to life. Sounds like a pretty good reason to me to find joy and peace in believing. And in doing so, the power of the Holy Spirit will cause me to abound in hope.


Now these Jews [Barenans] were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. Many of them therefore believed, with not a few Greek women of high standing as well as men."
Acts 17:11-12

I want to be like the Jews from Berea: noble [good birth, open-minded], receiving [Dechomai- to receive favorably, give ear to, embrace, make one's own, approve, not to reject], the word [ Logos- a word, uttered by a living voice, embodies a conception or idea] with all eagerness [Prothumia- zeal, spirit, eagerness, inclination, readiness of mind].

I can't help but think this comes from examining the Scriptures daily to determine the truth of all we experience (though reading, seeing, examining, teaching, learning, hearing etc.) The Bareans listened to what was taught by the Apostle Paul and examined God's word to determine it's truth. Reminds me of Romans 12:2,"...that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what it good and acceptable and perfect."