"...They are to teach what is good, and so train the young woman to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled."

Titus 2:3-5


Learning some lessons from our children

A few weekends ago Ryan, Micah, and I went on a road trip to Tennessee for my brother-in-law's college graduation. This was the first long car trip that Micah had been on since he was four months old. I, trying to be the thought-of-everything-mom, packed every possible thing that he could need to be content: toys, snacks, blankets, spoons, pacifiers, something to drink, and his own little cup holder to hold his food of choice whenever he desired. So, by my standard, the trip should be flawless! We were planning on Micah sleeping a large part of the trip because he is still a normal two naps a day kid, but he decided that he only needed to sleep a total of forty minutes of the nine hour trip. Although this was different then his normal schedule, he maintained himself very well, until it was time for bed. We attempted to put him down about 11pm. After two hours of trying everything, we finally just looked at him and said with our parent voices, "time for bed Micah" and he went to sleep. The next day, the day of the graduation, Micah took no naps at all, decided that he wanted to eat almost nothing, drink almost nothing, and be happy about almost nothing. Despite our best efforts, Micah did not want to relax, until I took him in my arms and held him close and he closed his eyes, but minutes later he was up again. During the graduation, Micah and I spent most of our time out in the hall. Micah bounced between being perfectly content to unappeasable. Finally, after an exhausting two days, Micah slept, and he slept well. The next day was our trip home and Micah slept about five of the nine hours home. I think he had finally exhausted enough of his own recourses, that he was just willing to give into what we had always known would be best for him, sleep.

So lessons I learned about God and myself from my son:
-God (like a mom attempts to be) is all knowing and has provided for our every need (Romas 11:33-36)
-I (like Micah) have no idea what I need and I am unwilling to give into what God (mom) knows I need
-God (like a mom) knows us, His children, intimately and has already ordained our paths (set a schedule) (Psalm 23:3)
-I (like Micah) think that I know what is best for me and I will whine, cry, and pout until I get it or realize finally that is not going to happen
-God (like a mom) has to sometimes be firm to get us to follow His instructions (Proverbs 3:11-12)
-I (like Micah) sometimes need a firm reminder of who I am and who my Father is
-God (like a mom should be, but I often fail in) is just, patient, loving, and slow to anger (Psalm 103:8)
-I (like Micah) take God (his mom) for granted
-God (like a mom) embraces his children and is always a place of rest (Matthew 11:28)
-I (like Micah) only allow those moments to last for such a brief time

So over the past few weeks I have watched Micah and I have realize how much I can learn from him. Sometimes we have our tough moments, but most of our time is spent in laughter and wonder. He is the most wonderful little guy and I see such a desire in him for encouragement and approval. In the littlest things that he does, he wishes to be seen. He wants to know that Ryan and I are proud and that who he is is good. How I am like that. But I wish that I could be as simple as Micah is. Often I don't just look for the approval of my heavenly Father, but rather I seek that from so many others. Micah right now knows no people greater then his mom and dad and I hope that one day we will be able to point that approval towards Christ. So, the next time that I find myself in mommy vs. Micah, after the situation is settled, I should reflect on what greater things I can learn about myself and my relationship with my higher authority, Christ.

1 comment:

Cayce said...

Awesome Christy! I love that you're learning so much through every day life. Isn't God so gracious to teach us this way? It is easy to grasp and seemingly painless.....
Hope you guys had a wonderful new year! Keep in touch.