"...They are to teach what is good, and so train the young woman to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled."

Titus 2:3-5


My children are sick today. They are crying a lot. They have spilled water all over the floor twice. The prized toy truck has been broken and fixed 30 times already this morning. Noses are running out of control and face it...there just aren't enough fruit snacks in the package. There have been times (and admittedly there was one) when I have wanted to shut myself in the Laundry Room and block out the crying. And then I ran across this and realized it's all worth it. I know it is... but I just needed a sweet reminder that there is a purpose to all of this.

"In 1972 people my age were saying it's a sin to have more than 2 kids. And some were saying it was a sin to have kids because population blah, blah, blah.

And I just thought to myself, "OK. If you have more than 2.1 kids you're putting a strain on the planet? I don't think so. Because the kids I'm going to raise are going to lift a million burdens."

You Christian, you've got to believe that bringing kids into the world and being brought up in the Lord makes them burden lifters, not burden adders. They are in the world to lift the world, to save the world, to love the world.

You're not just adding dead weight to the world when you bring a child up in the kingdom. You're bringing up lovers of people and servants of the world." John Piper


Innocents of Children... sort of

Yesterday morning the children of our church sang a few Christmas songs. Despite all the practice that goes into these things, children are children. Although the performance is never flawless, it is, nonetheless, entertaining and well... sweet. So here is the video I took. Notice the boy in the white stripped sweater and khaki pants. He never sings a word, but he responds well to his daddy's correction. Score one for obedience! (Can you believe it's the pastor's kid who is break dancing before they sing!) HAHA!! I'm so proud of that boy!

I'm glad our children can be involved as we as a church anticipate and celebrate the coming the Christ! "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."


My creativity is stunted by my need for order...

What I see as three nice, perfectly separated balls of play-doh

Micah sees as a dragon riding a surf board


Church as it is meant to be...

This past week our church was getting ready for our "As You Have Need" distribution. The women's ministry decided to sponsor an event that would ask the members of our church to donate their own personal goods for the benefit of the community. We sent out letters to the surrounding community to advertise our FREE sale. Anyone was welcome. As you can see in the pictures below we were blessed beyond my imagination with goods. Our church space was quickly changed into a Thrift Store before my eyes.

Here are some ways I saw God "do far more abundantly than all that [I asked or thought] Ephesians 3:20."
(1) True sacrifice of those in the church:
~People brought so much stuff. Not for tax credit or for profit, just because. Some realized that we lacked in a few areas so they went home to give even more of things they use, but could do without.
~Women took off work in order to help in Wednesday mornings set up. The women in the bible study I lead agreed to help set up. What a blessing and I could not repay them for their sacrifice. But there were two women who took personal time off of work to help. Brings tears to my eyes because to me.... this is what the church is all about. Sacrificing self for the good of others. "...to him be glory in the church Ephesians 3:21a."
(2) The stories of those who came to the distribution and the blessing that our small effort was making in their lives. My friend April writes about it best.
(3) Community in the church. Those in our local cities had and still have a need and so we attempted, and will continue to attempt, in a small way to meet it.
~"Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common...There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold...and it was distributed to each as any had need."
(4) Every Bible we had was taken
"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account Hebrews 4:12-13."
(5) There was an overwhelming expression of gratefulness.
(6) We had very little left! Over 40 Families came and were able to find some practical things that each needed. Here are some before and after pictures of the distribution. Almost every room was left this empty!

Saturday morning I meditated on this verse. How I marvel in the fact that we have God who fulfills His word and is faithful to those who seek him. May God receive all of the glory! Pray that all of those who came will recognize that all that they have is because of the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ our Savior.

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen Ephesians 3:20-21."


Lead by example... there are very good benefits!

For years it has been my routine to clean the house on Mondays. The weekend always seems to bring a mess, so it has been both practical and helpful. I enjoy starting the week off with a clean house. It makes the rest of the week fall more easily in place: play dates, last minute dinner invites, and whatever else may come. Micah, since he could crawl, has always wanted to help when I am cleaning. For his second birthday we bought him a kids Dyson so that he could vacuum just like mommy. Well recently, it has gone from just cleaning when I clean, to doing it for fun! The other day he found some sponges in his art kit and asked me if he could have a bowl of water. A minute later I found him doing this....

He said, "Mommy, this wall soooo dirty...I need to clean it!" I thought to myself, "Sweet!!!...Sure wish I could give him some Lysol!" Sobering to realize that my actions and example will have a lasting affect on this little boy's life... But as for this example....I'm very glad he is following in my (and his daddy's) foot steps!


Faithful are the Wounds of a Friend...

As I was preparing for our James Study this week, a verse popped out at me: "So whoever knows the right things to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin." (James 4:17) The first four chapters of James are filled with exhortations towards holiness and rebukes towards worldly passions.
A few examples:
Count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds (1:2)
In faith, ask for wisdom (1:5-6)
Quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger (1:19)
Be Doers of the Word, not just hearers (1:22)
Visit the orphans and widows (1:27)
Be unstained by the world (1:27)
Show no partiality/judgment (2:1)
Love your neighbor (2:8)
Produce good works as evidence of your faith (2:14-26)
Tame/bridle the tongue (3:1-12)
Do not be friends with the world (4:4)
Do not speak evil against one another (4:11)
Acknowledge the will of God (4:15)

In light of all of these, we have been talking about our responsibility as sisters in Christ to hold one another accountable in these areas. James 4:17 says once you know the truth, you are accountable to holding it otherwise you are in sin. So Yesterday as I was reading I came across Proverbs 27:5-6:
Better is an open rebuke
than hidden love.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend;
profuse are the kisses of an enemy.

A rebuke towards a friend will be faithful to bring out repentance. Hidden love (or ignoring the sins of a friend) will be as a kiss of the enemy. Better to cause a wound that leads to repentance, than a kiss the leads to death.
My friends, if anyone among you wonders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wanderings will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.
James 5:19-20


learning new things is good... but only half learning a skill brings problems

Lydia has learned a new skill: climbing the stairs. This brings joy to my heart to see her learning and growing, but it brings panic to my heart when I find her halfway up the stairs (really, where is her mother?).
Consequently, she has figured out (from her older brother) that the fun of being upstairs means being able to throw something down the stairs.
But she hasn't learned how to get back down the stairs yet, so what goes down... doesn't have a ride back up...

But not to leave Micah out, he has learned to close his eyes during prayer... and boy does he make sure they are really closed! No distractions for Micah! I love this boy!


The glass IS half full...

Optimism is "an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome."

I have been thinking lately, shouldn't this be our default mode as Christians?

"Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls." 1 Peter 1:8-9

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

"Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forever more." Psalm 16:11

" 'It is finished,' and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." John 19:30b

"Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:7-8

"And he will swallow up on this mountain
the covering that is cast over all peoples,
the veil that is spread over all nations.
He will swallow up death forever; and the
Lord GOD will wipe away tears for all faces,
and the reproach of his people he will
take away from all the earth,
for the LORD has spoken.
It will be said on that day,
'Behold, this is our God; we have
waited for him, that he might save us.
This is the LORD; we have waited for him;
let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.' "
Isaiah 25:7-9

Seems to me a valid case for looking towards the "best possible outcome" in all things. Something to think about...


Not exactly what is good for you....but more like tastes good to you!

Saturday morning Ryan wasn't feeling very well so I decided to let him sleep in. To my surprise Lydia also decided to sleep in till about 9:15. So, Micah and I decided to take advantage of it just being the two of us... and we made donuts. When I was a little girl every once and a while my mom would make fresh homemade donuts. Those were my favorite Saturday mornings. Just her and I making something I thought you could only by in the store. So Micah and I set out to do the same thing. And I must say, it was a success. I found this donut recipe online and it made amazing homemade donuts. I thought it was something good to share!
1 cup of warm milk
5 teaspoon
s of yeast (2 packets)
pinch (1 teaspoon) of sugar
2 cups of all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/4 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of potato mashed up*
Oil for Frying

1. Mix together milk, yeast, and sugar. Let stand for about 5 minutes
2. *Microwave medium size potato for 5-6 minutes until soft when squeezed. Scoop out insides and mash with a fork.
3. Mix together flour, salt, sugar, and mashed potato
4. Add milk mixture to the flour mixture. Mix in mixer (with dough hook) for 3 minutes. (dough will be very sticky)
5. Remove dough from mixer onto a very floured surface. Knead until dough is not sticky and able to be rolled out
6. Find something to cut out a large circle and something to cut out a hole in the center
7. Let rise about 5 minutes while oil heats up in the skillet to about 360 degrees (1 inch or so of oil in skillet)
8. Drop donuts a few at a time so the oil does not cool down. Turn when color turns like brown
9. Let cool and drain on a rack
10. Shake finished donuts in a bag of cinnamon sugar or powdered sugar! Enjoy

Recommendations for the donuts by my kids!


When I was a child...

It is unreal how much my daughter looks like me when I was a child. However, what strikes me most is not just the similar outer appearance, but the exact same personality (as I have heard and I suppose I admit). Now, I love this little girl. I had no idea what a joy it would be to have a daughter. The sweetness and laughter that she brings with her presence was nothing I could have imagined. However, the apple did not fall far from the tree when it comes to being strong-willed and stubborn. I like to make the joke that the only thing that is going to save her from daily battles with her parents if early regeneration. I say that because a turning point for me was when I recognized who Christ was (and is) and that his call to those He saves is not just to be a moralist. The call that lead me to exhibit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22) and not my strong-willed and I guess I will admit, stubborn nature.

I have said it before, but having children is a great way to point out your own sin. Not just in the way I interact with them, but watching all of the sinful behaviors that they learn from me, or in the way they act out their own sins. Face it, we just sin in a more self-controlled manor. So I saw this picture of Lydia and as cute as she is, I thought the hair, the smile, and the fact that she is standing up in her crib when she is supposed to be laying down, was yet again a picture of my spiritual condition. So I thank God everyday that he has given me such a cute way to be reminded of my need for a Savior and that one day I (and I plead my children) will see Christ face to face. So through my children, God is continually pointing out what is good...

When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man [woman], I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully know. 1 Corinthians 13:11-12


The Book of James is good...

All of scripture falls under "what is good," but I like to call the Letter of James the Guide to Christianity. At first glance James is a really hard book to swallow, I read much of his words and find myself burdened. But I have realized that this letter is a mirror and as I gaze into it the refection I should see is one who is like Christ. In chapter 1:22-25 he says:
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.
So James is indeed a mirror. I look inside of his words and I don't see the law, for Christ has fulfilled it, but I see a standard for those who are in Christ that I must weigh myself against. So I thank God for his grace and the Holy Spirit working in me. So James.... definitely filed under what is good!


Waffles and Family Worship

I have changed up the blog a little bit. By no means am I abandoning the original intent of living out Titus 2, but rather just expanding it. I am realizing that the command to "learn what is good" is really a call to learn who God is and so live your life accordingly.

So, I have been looking at scripture with new eyes lately. At our women's bible study we have been going through James, a wonderful but challenging book, and I have been left with the question: If we are commanded to "count it all joy," how do we do that? The answer is Christ, but how do I find enjoyment in Christ in the midst of day to day life. I see how he reveals himself in big ways, but I have fallen short of finding my enjoyment in Christ in all of the small things. Most of which I often I see separate from God. Like waffles! Until this morning. For a while we have had the tradition of "Morning Family Worship" at breakfast time. Originally breakfast we intended to just keep the kids quiet at the table, but now I see it as a springboard for prayer and a practical example to our children of God's daily provision. So thank you God for declaring your goodness through waffles this morning, they were truly enjoyable.
"There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, for apart from him who can eat or who can have enjoyment? For to the one who pleases him God has given wisdom and knowledge and joy...." Ecclesiastes 2:24-2


Things that are good...

Sometimes I take life to seriously... and I miss some of the really good things! Like:

A daddy who is willing to lead by example...

Getting to ride Daddy's Jeep with the whole family

Making a birthday cake with TWO digging trucks that a little boy has been asking for since June! And seeing the big smile on his face when he saw it!

"And God saw everything that he made, and behold, it was very good..." Genesis 1:31a


The battle of the no... I mean bow

Lydia's hair has started to grow and so I have been putting a bow in her hair lately so that she will be used to having something in her hair. I figure in all of my motherly wisdom (i.e. what I have gathered from other moms), that this will make it easier down the road when trying to fix her hair. Plus I just think they are pretty!

So here is the lovely Lydia in her beautiful bow!

Here is the lovely Lydia taking off her beautiful bow (which she does frequently) During which there is a lot of "NO LYDIA" and "DON'T TOUCH LYDIA" coming from mommy!

Here is Lydia proud of herself for removing her bow even though mommy said "NO"

Here is a not so happy Lydia when she was corrected for not obeying mommy and taking off her beautiful bow!

Here is a compliant, but not really happy about it Lydia... with a beautiful bow!

I'm thinking about just fighting the hair bow battle another day... but the battle of obedience will be fought our whole lives. It is amazing how the actions of my children cause me to search myself and disobedient ways. It was be a journey was I learn and instruct her in what it means to be obedient. "As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written 'You shall be holy, for I am holy.' " 1 Peter 1:14-16

So as Lydia turns one tomorrow, we will continue instructing her in this commandment:
"Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." Ephesians 6:1 and loving her all the more as we learn what it is to "bring them [Lydia and Micah] up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4b

Happy 1st Birthday Little Girl! You have truly brought joy into my life and I am blessed to be your mommy!


It has already started and Lydi hasn't even turned One!


Commandments are not a burden

I was struck silent this afternoon when I read this verse. How quickly with one verse my sin nature was utterly exposed.
1Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him. 2By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. 3For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome (1 John 1:1-3).
I have been really wrestling lately with what it means to truly love the church. I don't mean the local building that you attend on a Sunday morning. I mean each individual born again believer that attends that church as well as the thousands of other churches that are spread across this world. In my life, up to this point, I have miserably failed to meet this commandment set forth by Christ,
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples. If you have love for one another (John 13:34-35)."
Lets unpack this verse for a second. First, we are commanded, not asked, commanded to love one another. Now, we would hope that this word love would be left up to each individuals interpretation, but Christ knowing our sinful flesh qualifies it by saying, "Just as I have loved you." This of course means that the way we are to love one another is the same as Christ's work in Gospel. Christ gave himself up for us (Galatians 2:20). So I am to love the children of God by constantly giving up myself for them. Scripture is filled with passage after passage on how to love one another: Be at peace with one another, be devoted, honor, be of same mind, have concern, serve, have compassion, be subject, stop passing judgment, accept, instruct, greet, wait, carry one another's burdens, be kind, forgiving, have humility, teach and admonish, comfort, offer hospitality, confess, encourage, exhort, rebuke, and the list continues. That's a lot and it's difficult and can feel, well, like a burden. And here is where the verse hit me "his commandments are not burdensome." Man, I don't think I have ever really read this verse.

So here's where the application comes in. If everyone that has been born again in Christ is called to love everyone else that has been born again in Christ (1John 1:1) then we are called to love the body of believers, the church. This means that I am to love each individual believer within my own church as well as each individual believer in the thousands of churches world wide, without treating it like a burden. Face it, it is much easier to serve some than others, especially if their theology is different than mine. That is the thought of my sinful flesh at it's best.

So how do I walk away from these sets of verses. I can walk away thinking, alright, I'm going to do better loving my fellow believers. I will be a little less selfish, more eager to lend a hand, I certainly won't judge as much, and most of all, I am going to do my absolute best to be somewhat intentional with every person I come in contact with. But if that is it, then I totally miss the point. Why? Because we are only able to love each other, the way Christ loved us, by falling on the grace upon grace which we have received from the fullness of Jesus Christ in the gospel
(John 1:16-17). Through Jesus Christ we have the perfect example of love. To obtain this love I must fall on the mercies of God in prayer and plead for a renewed passion and delight in the people of God. So this begins with the church.

At this current season of life I have been blessed to be a part of an amazing body of believers. I have heard often the desire of the body to grow in community and true biblical fellowship with one another. But with this will come the need to set aside all selfish desires to have my ideas of what the church should be so that I may embrace each individual member, at their current walk with Christ. We must walk alongside each other as we both grow our devotion to Christ and to one another. Be encouraged church, "For everyone that has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world- our faith (1John 5:4)." Rejoice as you are partnered with the body of believers to which God has called you.

May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
(Romans 15:5-7)


Take the time to listen...

Every action, thought, and word that we have on this earth is based on our perspective of who we are and who God is? Are our lives God-centered or self-centered? This message by Rachel Barkey it outstanding. It is 55 minutes long and well worth your time. "Rachel Barkey is a 37 year-old wife and mother of two who is dying of cancer. She only has weeks to live (DG blog)" and her perspective on life, death, and the glory of God was a jolt to my self-centered world.


Getting rid of Sickness

Why is it that when our physical bodies are sick, we will do anything possible to immediately rid ourselves of the discomfort and the ill affects of the nastiness that is plaguing us, but we are sluggish and complacent when ridding ourselves of the sickness that plagues our souls, sin. Is sin not the thing we want to banish from our bodies? Or is it the sickness that plagues only this momentary flesh...
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed.
1 Peter 2:24
Just a thought as I so desire this cold to go away...

(Micah a few months ago)


Humility or fear of judgement?

I was listening to a sermon by John Piper in regards to the churches responsibility in confronting our brothers/sisters or "so-called brothers" (1 Corinthians 5:11) who are unrepentantly in sin. A very strong message but I was struck by this: "Humility does not try to tell God how to be gracious. It listens and tries to obey with fear and trembling." How often do I not go to a brother or sister in sin because I think "who am I to cast judgment on their actions." Although we all suffer with sin issues, we are commanded to go to one another and point each other towards Christ. Humility towards Christ should thrust us forward with fear and trembling to admonish and rebuke our brothers and exhort them in the teachings of Christ not falsely claim passive humility towards another because of our own fears and sin.

If we are in Christ, than we are being purified for his purposes. "Who [Jesus Christ] gave himself for us to redeem is from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works (Titus 2:14)." So those who are in Christ should look towards His purification in us. I am coming closer to the conclusion that Christ will use me in the life of others and others throughout the course of my life to sanctify me and purify me so that I might be used according to His purposes.

"If you reject Christ as a purifier, you do not have Him as a pardoner. You do not have Him as a divided Christ, He is One." (John Piper)


Convicted by a two year old... Part 2: Why you do that?

Since I have returned from my trip, Micah has been in a new phase. Perhaps we should call it the "question" phase. "What's that mommy? What that do mommy? Why you say that mommy? What you doing mommy?" and my favorite "Why you do that mommy?" Ordinarily those are great questions to ask. I am aware that Micah is starting to notice everything around him and so naturally there are questions that are beginning to form in his mind. He wants to know what everything is, how it works, why it works the way it does, and what purpose it holds. At first it was rather cute. I would try to come up with the best answer possible, really trying not to just brush him off and say, "because that's just how or what it is." However, after many days of nonstop questions I have grown weary. I have taken little time to answer his questions and in fact I have become irritated. Many times today I have had to apologize to Micah for my response and try a little harder to give an adequate (for a two year old) explanation. In the midst of one of my not so great responses the Holy Spirit again saw fit for a sanctification moment. The rebuke was so clear, "Do you not spend a lot of time trying to discern, understand, and question the ways of God. Perhaps you should have the grace and mercy and patience that God has towards your constant questioning towards Micah and his questions. But also just as you want Micah to rest in your answers, so you should to rest in Gods." In that moment I realized that Micah is not out to bother me, but rather it is his way of attempting to understand the circumstances around him. But just as it is important for him understand his circumstances, he needs to learn that sometimes mommy does what she does or says what she says because she is mommy and for the most part, she knows best. In the same, I need to learn that God does what He does and says what He says because He is God and He always knows best. Praise the Lord that I may put my trust in One who is infallible, unmovable, unchangeable and just. I am constantly reminding myself that everyday I need to exemplify Christ to Micah. So although I am fallible, I need to be to him unmovable, unchangeable, and as just as I can. Not to mention filled with grace and mercy and patience. So I must continually place my own desires aside to embrace Micah since he has been given to me to be loved, cared for, and brought up in the way he should go.
"Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways! For who has know the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counselor? Or who has given a gift to Him that he might be repaid? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen."
Romans 11:33-36


Convicted by a two year old...

As we were driving home from our evening activities, I was instructing Micah to stop fussing because he wasn't getting his way. Each time I told him to stop, he would. Than a few seconds later he would follow it up with a sigh, grunt, moan, or just an out right "no" or "don't." It was absolutely infuriating. I was thinking "what boldness he has to think he should get the last word. Why can't he just accept what I say? Certainly he isn't challenging my authority. " And then, like a crashing wave, I was sharply rebuked by the Holy Spirit and immediately I recognized that I am just the same. Nothing like having the Holy Spirit point out your faults by saying, "Look, you are just like a two year old. Don't you always do the same?" I often feel like I have to have the last word so that my side is heard or my point is made or that I make known the discomfort that I am feeling instead of just letting it go. Some battles are meant to be fought, but I have to face it, most for me are just fought out of pride and self preservation, not love.

So, I take tonights little lesson, not the one taught to Micah, but the one taught to me and I look towards my future conversations with more open ears and speech that is filled with a little more grace, a little more mercy, and a lot more humility. Praise God for giving us the exact children we need to help along our sanctification process.

"Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness that God requires."
James 1:19-20


A special thanks

Today has been one of those days where I am overflowing with satisfaction in God and how he has formed my life up to this point. Realizing that any of the mistakes that I made along my journey could have drastically changed my path had it not been for the sovereign will of God. As many people say, if you would have asked me six years ago if I would be where I am today, I would been taken back in laughter. Not because of many of the things in my life now, but because of this one thing: I am married to a senior pastor of a church. This one thing alone causes me to fall to my knees in praise towards God because it is because of this pastor, my husband, that I have grown in my journey with Christ in such an intense, face to the ground, kind of way. Of course it is only through the work of the Holy Spirit that we are transformed, but I thank God each day that the one he chose to be the closest, most defining influence of my sanctification process, is my husband Ryan.

I have always had a healthy respect and love for my husband, but it has been over the last few months as we have journeyed at Grace that I have seen his true freedom and joy in Christ. What a passion I see in Him as he strives to bring those around him a deeper understanding of God's Word. There is something so real about Ryan as he struggles, like each one in his congregation, to discern the will of God in his life and then embrace it, love God all the more for it, and rejoice.

So today Ryan, I thank you for who you are. My husband, my best friend, and my pastor. I thank you for your leadership in our physical family, but also our spiritual one. Thank you for always pushing me towards Christ, for loving me when I desperately need it, and for having patience when I fall. I look forward with great anticipation to the ways God will use in you in lives of so many. You are doing well my husband...Thank you for letting me labor with you as we live our lives together for His fame...

"For the Lord our God has made us
And the Lord our God has saved us
The Lord our God is growing us
And the Lord our God has brought us
This day in which to offer
Our lives together for His fame."
-Of All Daughters J. Ryan Davidson
copyright November 2005


Beauty of Creation

"The heavens declare the glory of God,and the sky above proclaims his handiwork."(Psalm 19:1)

Sometimes in the midst of changing seasons, it's nice to take a few moments and reflect on the amazing beauty that God uses to bring forth new life. I was in our front yard playing with my kids when I realized the tiny white flowers that had blossomed in our tree. The ones on the top have already come, served their purpose, and have died, but I happened to catch a picture of some of the ones still hanging on... I found this small clump of buds to be breath taking! I think the flowers sing the praises of God where I so often fail...
"And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying, To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!" (Revelation 5:13)


Perhaps I have found my life's verse...

Soon after I completed my time in college, I ran across this particular set of verses in Ezekiel. At that time they had such a profound impact on my life.
And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules...and you shall be my people, and I will be your God. And I will deliver you from all your uncleannesses. (36:26-29a)
For a season of life, I had walked so far away from God that my heart had become like stone. In so many ways I was unable to see past my goals, my accomplishments, my struggles, my feelings, my life, and my mistakes, that my heart felt as hard as stone. I let nothing and no one in, and never let anything out. But, through God's constant pursuit of this saint, He began to break down the walls of my heart so that the heart of flesh, that He Himself has once placed in me, was able to hear His truth. How powerful the words "And I", "I will,""And I will,""cause you,""give you,""And I will be," and "I will" were to my soul. I was finally beginning to realize that it was by no work or merit of my own that could change the reality of my sinful state. It is only through the merciful work of God that I can be transformed. What a beautiful promise he lays out, "And I will deliver you from all your uncleannesses." What an undeserved gift that Christ is the one that is looked upon by God, not me in my utterly sinful state. So, for a season, that was my life's verse.

But now, as I have reflected over the past months of how blessed I am in this season of life, I realize (in a very humble and joyous way) that I could be at the height of "physical blessings" in my life. The health of my husband, children, and extended family is good. Our house is more than we ever could have imagined. The church has surpassed all expectations and continues to do so. The love between Ryan and I gains passion and depth each day, and I could go on... So, in desperately desiring not to put my faith, my hope, or my trust in these earthly things, I look forward with great anticipation to the promises of the following verses:
So we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
We are not promised an easy life, in fact we are promised the opposite. It is through the struggles that we experience in this life that we grow in our "praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:7)." So my prayer is that I will welcome with boldness the future, all of the blessing and the trials, in hope that one day I will gaze on the things that are eternal...


Being Pure

Within Carolyn Mahaney's series A Fresh Look at Titus 2 she tackles the hard topic of being pure. In this talk, she challenges our approach to what we watch, read, think about, and even our intimate relationship with our husbands. It is absolutely worth your time to listen! Here is a link to the free download! "Being Pure" The other 6 parts to the series are worth the time as well!


Am I Willing to Offend?

As I have journeyed through the Christian life, I have been presented with many opportunities to point both believers and nonbelievers toward Christ. However, I think that more often than not, it is just as difficult to proclaim Christ and the way we are called to live to the believer as to the nonbeliever. If I am perfectly honest with myself, I know that in hopes of being an encouragement or even liked, I am unwilling to point out sin in another persons life. I realize that my hesitation is rooted in my fear of man and my unbelief that God will do as He has promised. I was reading in the twelfth Chapter of Luke the other day and it struck me how many times Jesus commanded "do not fear, do not deny, do not be anxious, fear not..." and the list goes on. All of these commands come in a string of teachings which all have the same point: Man can do nothing less than destroy the body, only God can control the fate of mans soul.
I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do. But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him. v. 4-5
And it hit me. What reason is there to fear man? I might be laughed at, made fun of, mocked, ignored, shunned, called judgmental, made to feel uncomfortable, cut off from communication, or even (and face it, no one likes this one) disliked. We all live in a world where we think the approval of man is the be all and end all to who we are. In the same chapter Jesus asks:
Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. v.51

I am coming to the conclusion that as believers we are to be constantly holding one another accountable. Pointing one another towards Christ even if it risks offending another believer. We should be willing to be cast aside by someone if it means pointing them towards their eternal good. I know that I avoid these situations because I worry that perhaps I will not know the correct things to say, or maybe it's not my place, but Jesus says:
And I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge before the angels of God, but the one who denies me before men will be denied before the angels of God...do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say. v.8-9,11b-12
I don't believe these verses apply to the proclamation of the Gospel alone, but rather to all things that are "...good, acceptable, and perfect." (Romans 12:2d) So, I am realizing that perhaps in my unwillingness to interfere with the lives of others, am I not in fact denying who Christ is before man.

So as I move forward with boldness (hopefully) I will cling to this promise of Jesus:
"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." (v.32) I pray that the promise of God's kingdom would be enough for me to risk the possibility of be disliked. And I realize this means a willingness to accept others views on my actions as well. May we all be humble enough to grow in Christ.


I'm An Aunt!!

I am so beyond proud of my brother Aaron and his wife Becky! They just had their first baby! A little girl named Regan Marie! Now I just have to figured out when I can get out to Arizona to see them! How amazing is God's grace that he allows us to be a part of bring life into this world!


Can my sweet baby girl really be a sinner?

Is it possible that this sweet little girl who are rarely cried during her first six months of life could be born a sinner? Lets take a look shall we?

Although Micah was being generous and letting Lydia play with his toys, she still thought it necessary to pick on him!

Lydia has decided as of late that she will pick the food she wants to eat and the location in which she will eat it. Apparently she has decided that her seat isn't good enough! So I guess to the high chair we go...

Conclusion: "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 I am seeing what a glorious and overwhelming task it is to be one called to "train up a child in the way he should go." May God grant me the grace to get out of His way. He will guide and reveal Himself to my children if that is His will. So for now, I plead and pray that they will be ones that belong to Him. For as fallen as they are, I would be the same if it were not for my hope in Christ. I pray that within their lives I may be a vessel of honorable use, one that is useful to the Master.


Living Life As If There Is a Therefore

I often put links on here to different messages or sermons that have had an impact on my life or my view of God and hope that they will do the same for those who see them on here, but I fear that not many of them are listened to. So, I have taken out a section of quotes that I think can be life changing if we allow them to be.
So we say, “Because of God’s mercy revealed in Christ, therefore, I do this and not that. Because of God’s mercy revealed in Christ, therefore I speak this way and not that way. Because of God’s mercy revealed in Christ, therefore I cultivate this kind of emotion and put that kind to death. Because I exist to glorify the mercy of God in Christ, I live this way and not that way. Christian living is built on something!
The somethings he is referring to here is the grace given to us through Christ. God in His infinite grace chose to save us from our utter sinful state, therefore, we should live as if there is someone who is worthy to be glofied in our whole being. The reality of the Christian walk is to be different than that of the world because we are built on something greater than those of the world.
One application: Parents, teach your children that the behavior and attitudes you expect from them are built on something! Don’t say, “Just do it.” As they get older help them see that the standards of thought and attitude and action and entertainment and ministry and mercy are all built on the mercy of God in Christ. Help them see that Christian living is not a list of do’s and don’ts, it is a way of showing the glory of God and Christ. Help them see that Christian living—for children and teenagers and adults—is built on the gospel—on the beauty of Christ crucified and risen and reigning. The question is not mainly, “What’s wrong with this music or this movie or this party or this dress or these drugs or these friends?” The question is, How can I act and speak and feel so that I help my friends see the worth of Jesus above all music and movies and parties and friends? How can I live to show that Jesus didn’t come into the world to help me party better but to help me love better and die better? -Build Your Life on the Mercies of God
I have learned that in my own life, but especially with my children, that I need to be teaching them that they are to do or not do, act or not act, talk or not talk in certain ways because their life is to be built on something greater than just them. Their, or my, momentary happiness is nothing compared to the eternal majesty and glory of God and His mercies toward us through Christ.
So, I have to realized that those who see me will only know the worth of Jesus in my life by my priorities, my decisions, my actions, my attitudes, and my willingness to be different from this world. Because of God's mercy I will rejoice in all seasons of life, for Christ should be the only value I need to bear and I will praise Him each day for the blessings in my life that are so undeserved.


A Good Idea???

I suppose sometimes you just have to let boys be boys!!