"...They are to teach what is good, and so train the young woman to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled."

Titus 2:3-5


Living Life As If There Is a Therefore

I often put links on here to different messages or sermons that have had an impact on my life or my view of God and hope that they will do the same for those who see them on here, but I fear that not many of them are listened to. So, I have taken out a section of quotes that I think can be life changing if we allow them to be.
So we say, “Because of God’s mercy revealed in Christ, therefore, I do this and not that. Because of God’s mercy revealed in Christ, therefore I speak this way and not that way. Because of God’s mercy revealed in Christ, therefore I cultivate this kind of emotion and put that kind to death. Because I exist to glorify the mercy of God in Christ, I live this way and not that way. Christian living is built on something!
The somethings he is referring to here is the grace given to us through Christ. God in His infinite grace chose to save us from our utter sinful state, therefore, we should live as if there is someone who is worthy to be glofied in our whole being. The reality of the Christian walk is to be different than that of the world because we are built on something greater than those of the world.
One application: Parents, teach your children that the behavior and attitudes you expect from them are built on something! Don’t say, “Just do it.” As they get older help them see that the standards of thought and attitude and action and entertainment and ministry and mercy are all built on the mercy of God in Christ. Help them see that Christian living is not a list of do’s and don’ts, it is a way of showing the glory of God and Christ. Help them see that Christian living—for children and teenagers and adults—is built on the gospel—on the beauty of Christ crucified and risen and reigning. The question is not mainly, “What’s wrong with this music or this movie or this party or this dress or these drugs or these friends?” The question is, How can I act and speak and feel so that I help my friends see the worth of Jesus above all music and movies and parties and friends? How can I live to show that Jesus didn’t come into the world to help me party better but to help me love better and die better? -Build Your Life on the Mercies of God
I have learned that in my own life, but especially with my children, that I need to be teaching them that they are to do or not do, act or not act, talk or not talk in certain ways because their life is to be built on something greater than just them. Their, or my, momentary happiness is nothing compared to the eternal majesty and glory of God and His mercies toward us through Christ.
So, I have to realized that those who see me will only know the worth of Jesus in my life by my priorities, my decisions, my actions, my attitudes, and my willingness to be different from this world. Because of God's mercy I will rejoice in all seasons of life, for Christ should be the only value I need to bear and I will praise Him each day for the blessings in my life that are so undeserved.

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