"...They are to teach what is good, and so train the young woman to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled."

Titus 2:3-5


Snow day!

It's only noon and I am guessing we already have about 4 inches of snow. Of course we were outside as soon as breakfast was over and are now exhausted and ready for a naps.
Part of being worn out comes from just getting ready!

The kids seem to have a blast. Lydia is getting over a cold so we only kept her out of a little while! Being pulled on the sled by daddy was the best part!

Lydia decided to take a breather in her rocking chair. Walking around in that snowsuit is pretty hard. Micah was starting to get cold, we need to get him some better snow pants!

But to tell you the truth, the best part of playing in the snow was when my parents came over. Lydia went to bed and Micah wanted to come inside. So once his movie was playing and he had a snack, we (my parents, Ryan and I) went outside to have a gigantic snowball fight and a sled race! It was great. We don't have much opportunity just to play sometimes. It was good to just enjoy one of God's creations!

Hope every is have a great snow day!

1 comment:

Persis said...

Glad you had fun in the snow. I haven't been out yet, but I need to do some shovelling this afternoon.